The decomposition of the higher-order homology embedding constructed from the k-Laplacian
Yu-Chia Chen and Marina Meilă
arXiv (to appear at NeurIPS 2021 Oral), 2021
The null space of the $k$-th order Laplacian $\mathbf{\mathcal L}_k$, known as the $k$-th homology vector space, encodes the non-trivial topology of a manifold or a network. Understanding the structure of the homology embedding can thus disclose geometric or topological information from the data. The study of the null space embedding of the graph Laplacian $\mathbf{\mathcal L}_0$ has spurred new research and applications, such as spectral clustering algorithms with theoretical guarantees and estimators of the Stochastic Block Model. In this work, we investigate the geometry of the $k$-th homology embedding and focus on cases reminiscent of spectral clustering. Namely, we analyze the connected sum of manifolds as a perturbation to the direct sum of their homology embeddings. We propose an algorithm to factorize the homology embedding into subspaces corresponding to a manifold’s simplest topological components. The proposed framework is applied to the shortest homologous loop detection problem, a problem known to be NP-hard in general. Our spectral loop detection algorithm scales better than existing methods and is effective on diverse data such as point clouds and images.